Magnetic Lifters
Our range of permanent lifting magnets are light and ingeniously structured. They provide easy application, strong magnetic attraction and safe handling, as they have a 3:1 safety built into each unit. Our lifting magnets are fitted with thestrongest Neodymium Rare Earth magnetic materials available. These types of permanent magnetic lifters will never weaken, providing durable and consistent operation. Our Magnetic Lifters are commonly used in factories, docks, warehouses, transportation or engineering workshops. They are used as steel sheet lifters and for moving steel plates, blocks or cylinders in a safe manner. Please contact our sales team if you require any further information about our Magnetic Lifters.

Magnetic Lifter 100kg I 3.5x Safety Factor
Code: 89130
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Minimum order quantity is 1

30kg Portable Magnetic Lifter (PMJ30)
Code: 89128
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Minimum order quantity is 1

Magnetic Lifter 300kg I 3.5x Safety Factor
Code: 89131
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Minimum order quantity is 1