Magnetic Product Description:
This rare earth disc has a diameter of 20mm and a height of 3mm. It has a magnetic flux reading of 1810 Gauss and a pull force of 4.3kg. It is identified by the AMF magnet part number 20018.
Uses for our rare earth disc magnets:
Companies designing and fabricating components for the aviation industry mean it when they offer to help get your project off the ground and safely back down again. While many of these companies operate with modern materials and advanced technologies they never stray too far from reality.
They know the simpler the design, using well-established manufacturing techniques and testing principles, the better the build cost and product predictability. For these reasons, neodymium disc magnets are found throughout the design and build areas of the aviation industry. They provide permanent and constant power which are appealing properties to anyone averse to risk.
Magnetism is a well-known technology, yet is finding new applications that use its power to help designers solve difficulties with modern or advanced technology. Magnets conform to the preferred and established testing principles and a magnets characteristics like pull force and weight are predictable and easy to confirm. Magnets have achieved a trusted and established reputation in traditional manufacturing techniques and in complex aviation systems, where getting off the ground and back down again safely is everything, engineers are more than sure magnets will do their job. In fact, they're positive, and in Aviation that’s a very important difference.
These N42 Grade Discs give out increased Magnetic Energy from the same dimensioned magnet.This means more holding strength from the same weight item which is very important in terms of Aviation principles.