exactly what I wanted.
Needed a small strong magnet for model railway use, fitted between the rails for uncoupling action. Works 100%. Great.
Product code: 21060
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This rare earth cylinder has a diameter of 3mm and a height of 10mm. It has a magnetic flux reading of 6230 Gauss and a pull force of 310 grams. Its part number is 21060.
This delicately proportioned Neodymium Cylinder magnet has a naturally small pole surface area that makes it easy to remove and replace on a metallic surface. Cylinder magnets are commonly used to insert into drilled holes, leaving the flat pole surface exposed and able to attach to metal objects or similarly positioned magnets with the opposite pole exposed. This works well for tool holding, theatre prop attachment, model-making, product displays and point-of-sale advertising. The narrow field it produces is also beneficial in metal detection devices, sensors and for delicate operations where magnetic field interference needs to be avoided.
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The Pull Force listed for each magnet is based on lifting 10mm thick steel from a horizontal surface. Magnets on a vertical surface (of 10mm thick steel) are generally able to hold around only 30% of the pull force listed in the product description. This is due to the effects of gravity and the lack of friction between the surface and the shiny magnet. Read More